
Status Operating
Main activity -1
Operating area Iberian Coast; Bay of Biscay; Celtic Seas
Country France
ICES code 35TC
NODC code 35TC
Call sign FPCS
Year built 1978
Homeport Brest
Length 24.50 m
Avail. for charter No
Last update 09.07.2014

Time position n/a

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Owner Ifremer - French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea
Operator Ifremer - French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea
Address Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer
155, rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau
92138 Issy-les-Moulineaux Cedex France
Fax (33) 01 46 48 21 21
Observations --

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